Cinnamon is also the tree on the moon, under which the Moon Rabbit lived. Wu Gang, who angered the gods for his insincere / loosey goosey pursuit of enlightenment, was banished to the moon to chop down the tree. He was told that when the tree fell, he would attain what his sought. It was a sisyphean task. It is believed that every autumn, the flower buds of the tree would fall from the moon, filling earth with its fragrance, and its leaves represent all that is good and wonderful.
The brown pigment in this series is cinnamon. The spice symbolises spirituality, healing, protection and love. Plus, according to legend, the phoenix collects cinnamon twigs for her nest, and when the time comes , the nest is set affire with her. Out of the ashes a new phoenix is reborn.
Very interesting about the phoenix and moon rabbit. I like how this is symmetrical and the letters are facing each other instead of around. I'm not sure why. It's kind of playful but also measured and controlled. Not sure why that matters, but there seems to be some tension there, in a good way. :)