"PC" in the numbering stands for "Piel Canela", the title of the series. It is also the name of popular Mexican love song - a song I often heard in my neighborhood when the residents were predominantly hispanic (mixed in with old Polish; before gentrification).
Que se quede el infinito sin estrellas (let the universe be without stars)
O que pierda el ancho mar su inmensidad (or let the big sea lose its immensity)
Pero el negro de tus ojos que no muera (but the black of your eyes, let it not die)
Y el canela de tu piel se quede igual (and the cinnamon of your skin remain the same)
Si perdiera el arco iris su belleza (may the rainbow lose its beauty)
Y las flores su perfume y su color (and the flowers its perfume and color)
No seria tan inmensa mi tristeza (my sorrow wouldn't be as immense)
Como aquella de quedarme sin tu amor (as that of losing your love)
The song had been playing over and over in my head, and after I looked up the lyrics and the translation, I knew why. The stars, the sea, the flowers, the rainbow, they are all symbols of Our Lady of Guadalupe, and it fits well with the Mary/Guanyin motif of this work.
That's a beautiful song. And the painting is sad and happy just like the song. Love the red cinnamon.