One day, the worms I had stopped eating. I thought they were dying; I thought the way they "stood" and reached up was some sort of death dance - looking for the next step, next life. My grandmother took empty toilet paper rolls and enclosed each worm separately. Soon they started moving their heads in figure 8's. After a while, they had generated enough silk that the white fibers were visible. They were cocooning themselves. The whole process took several days before they were completely finished.
Supposedly, on the farm, after the the cocoons were done, the particularly large ones would be picked out. Those would be allowed to complete their life cycles. Meanwhile, the others would in time go in a vat of boiling water.
The ones I had were lucky. They all got to live out their lives, except for one - it just died inside.
Awwww that's so sad... I mean the one dying and how they decide who lives and dies.